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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Remembering the Sun

Friday Cat Blogging

It will be back, right?

[Editor: Excise from late summer of ’08 because it is cold, damp, and miserable around here, and Real Life is being really time-consuming.

Friday Ark


1 hipparchia { 12.18.09 at 3:36 am }

i love this one! thanks for the rerun. the long cold dark wet miserable miserableness is driving me nuts.

2 jams O'Donnell { 12.18.09 at 6:26 am }

Ah that is a look of utter contentment. Miserable here too, We;ve just had our first snow and it’s unusual to get snow before January in London
.-= last blog ..Waterworld in space =-.

3 Bryan { 12.18.09 at 11:18 am }

Snow would be an improvement from the dungeon-dank, bone-chilling conditions of the last week.

I remember on Christmas in London in the 1970s when there was snow, and we left the hotel to walk around and look at the lights. It was gone in the morning, but that night was a small bit of magic.

I would still like to see the Sun again, and so would the cats.

4 Steve Bates { 12.18.09 at 5:22 pm }

In Houston, we had two weeks of gloomy dark gray clouds… until today. It was gorgeous (as is Excise in your photo). Stella recovered enough to want to go out to eat (our formerly 2nd favorite Thai restaurant must have had the B Team in the kitchen for the holiday). Stella has been awake for most of the day… she slept the last two days, almost around the clock… and seems to be feeling much better.

Now I’m facing HaloScrew’s forced immediate change to Echo for a steep price, or ditch them and change blogging systems… and this time I may opt for the latter. I have until Jan. 2; that’s their gun to my head…

5 Bryan { 12.18.09 at 5:35 pm }

But cold comes with the clear weather – “It’s always something.”

Yeah, I just left a comment over at your place, saying essentially the same thing, that this might be the time for the change.

6 oldwhitelady { 12.20.09 at 8:43 pm }

Excise has been studying ancient Egyption idols. What a beautiful kitty!
.-= last blog ..Friday Cat Blogging – making plans? =-.

7 Bryan { 12.20.09 at 9:06 pm }

Excise studying 😆

Excise is handsome and friendly, intelligent would have been pushing the envelop.