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Why Do We Hate Thee… — Why Now?
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Why Do We Hate Thee…

MSNBC has a charming piece: BP’s Hayward: ‘I became a villain for doing the right thing’

In his first interview since deciding to step down, Hayward told the Wall Street Journal that he did everything possible after the Deepwater Horizon exploded, by taking responsibility for the spill and spending billions on the clean-up operation and efforts to stop the leak.

The newspaper said he was unrepentant about BP’s response to the spill and that he resented criticism from the Obama administration, although he also admitted that he “understood their frustration.”

“I became a villain for doing the right thing,” Hayward said in the interview. “But I understand that people find it easier to vilify an individual more than a company.

Tony, I remember that they have a really wonderful library in London and you might want to stop by and ask one of the extremely helpful staff to provide you with the definition of “Chief Executive Officer”.

Editorial in the Mobile Press-Register: BP has broken enough promises

TAKE YOUR promises and shove ’em, BP. From what we’ve seen, they’re not worth much anyway. You promised you would set up an escrow account for oil spill victims. Yet there’s still no account — only promises by you and the White House that one will be up and running soon.

You promised you’d pay claims. But you’ve paid only what amounts to nickels and dimes to a lucky few.

You promised you’d keep the money flowing. But now that the cap’s on the well, local businesses report that the cap’s on the payments, too. All they get from you is resistance — and delay.

If you think the Gulf Coast is a harsh crowd, wait until you learn about the oligarchs of the Alfa group in Russia. With luck, they may decide to simply charge you with unspecified violations of law, as happened to your predecessor in the position, Bob Dudley. Some of their “enemies” end up dead. BP is setting you up to take the blame for both the Well from Hell and the losses in Russia.

Stop your whinging, Tony. You’re making millions of dollars for being the scapegoat for the corporation’s greed.


1 cookie jill { 07.30.10 at 9:32 pm }

If you want lies and spin dressed as truthful news…go to the corporate media.
If you want “truth” disguised as lies and spin…go to http://twitter.com/bpglobalpr

2 Bryan { 07.30.10 at 10:32 pm }

We still have a few truly local papers around on the Gulf Coast and while the writing may not win awards they tend to present the facts as they exist, not as someone wants them to be.

I visit the bpglobalpr site occasionally when I need a break.

3 cookie jill { 07.31.10 at 1:24 am }

between bpglobalpr and cake wrecks http://cakewrecks.blogspot.com/
i get in a few laughs during this wretched time.

4 Bryan { 07.31.10 at 7:37 pm }

It’s always nice to have releases for the stress.