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Nothing Fishy Here — Why Now?
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Nothing Fishy Here

The Miami Herald reports that the state says everyone does it:

Florida Division of Elections spokesman Chris Cate told reporters last week that forms filed by the state Democratic Party, the Florida New Majority Education Fund and the National Council of La Raza involved “potential irregular voter registration activities” that “constituted a legally sufficient complaint of voter registration fraud.”

Representatives for all three deny fraud took place and say the state has yet to contact them about the allegations.

In the case against the Republican Party of Florida. the party was notified and was allowed to investigate and then file charges, and Supervisors of Elections around the state told the media that they found hundreds of faulty registrations.

In this case the Division of Elections announced that there were allegations against the three groups, but still hasn’t told them what the allegations are, or who made them.

No double standard here, nothing to see, go about your business, citizens.


1 Steve Bates { 10.13.12 at 11:28 pm }

I admit you’ve got problems. But here in Texas, in something like 234 out of our 256 counties (including mine), the voting machines are owned by HIG. What’s HIG? It’s a group of Rmoney’s cronies that bought Hart InterCivic, manufacturer of voting machines to several states in the southwest, machines with, shall we say, a history.

About half the board of directors of HIG overlaps… you guessed it… the board of Bain Capital, and many of HIG’s directors are high-dollar contributors to Rmoney-oriented superPACs. And that’s only what’s publicly known.

Nonetheless, I sleep well nights. Well, I do, after about three beers…

2 Bryan { 10.13.12 at 11:57 pm }

I wouldn’t vote any way but absentee anywhere they used electronic voting machines. As our former Supervisor of Elections, who would try anything, including voting over the Internet, if she thought it would make things easier for people to vote said – they are all a bunch of untrustworthy junk. She dropped the Internet voting idea when the computer guys she was working with hacked it, as she had asked them to. Easy yes, insecure no.

That’s why everyone uses the same paper ballots, whether they vote absentee or in person.