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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Froggy Weather

Friday Cat Blogging

Where’s the food?

[Editor: Froggy is the only cat I’ve seen outside in the last three days. It stopped raining long enough for me to fill the feeding stations.]

Friday Ark


1 hipparchia { 07.05.13 at 9:26 pm }

i have weeds in my yard that you could lose a small pony in. this in a yard that was burned to a crisp down to almost bare sand just a couple of weeks ago. there could be hundreds of cats out there for all i know, but if i go out there to look, i might not find my way back through the jungle.

however, lots of neighbors are still setting off fireworks, so probably the cats are all still in hiding. without a doubt every flea-riddden varmint within a 10-mile radius is hiding in my crawl space.

2 Bryan { 07.05.13 at 9:43 pm }

There are some chemical flea treatments that use a garden hose for application that might work under the house. You would have to do it three times with two week separation to be effective.

Yeah, I really need to trim, but it has gone beyond the string trimmer to the hedge trimmer and loppers.

3 Badtux { 07.05.13 at 10:23 pm }

How apt that Froggy is the only cat you see in wet weather, even if aquatic skills are not how he got his name :).

4 Bryan { 07.05.13 at 11:40 pm }

Froggy has been inside until about 5:30PM waiting for the dripping off the trees to stop.

The others are around, some under my house, but they don’t come out to get wet even to eat.