I Answer Surveys
Because I’m one of few people left in the world who actually have a landline telephone, I get to participate in a lot of surveys.
Tonight it was a Rasmussen survey and it wasn’t well done. The questions were a bit vague and the answers were worse. Some of their categories in the answers were illogical.
This poll seem to think that the President is the entirety of the US government, as I was never offered an opportunity to express my opinion on the Congress.
One question was really off-the-wall – Is the Government a Special Interest group?
I’m sorry, but who exactly would the Government lobby? What is your definition of “the Government”? What do you mean when you say “Special Interest”?
While they did ask about the Trayvon Martin case, they at least didn’t ask about Flight Lieutenant Wales’s new baby.
1 comment
🙄 😕