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2008 June 12 — Why Now?
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Truly Good News

After almost six months of looking Elayne is once again Gainfully Employed.

The job hunt can be a very depressing time, and costly in both time and money.

Congratulations, Elayne.

June 12, 2008   3 Comments

It Is Still Alive

Bill Mears, CNN Supreme Court Producer writes on the latest Supreme Court decision: Gitmo detainees can challenge detention in U.S. courts

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Suspected terrorists and foreign fighters held by the U.S. military at Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, have the right to challenge their detention in federal court, the Supreme Court ruled Thursday.

The decision marks another legal blow to the Bush administration’s war on terrorism policies.

The 5-4 vote reflects the divide over how much legal autonomy the U.S. military should have to prosecute about 270 prisoners, some of whom have been held for more than six years without charges. Fourteen of them are alleged to be top al Qaeda figures.

Writing for the majority, Justice Anthony Kennedy said, “The laws and Constitution are designed to survive, and remain in force, in extraordinary times. Liberty and security can be reconciled; and in our system reconciled within the framework of the law.”


June 12, 2008   7 Comments

And It Isn’t Improving

NBC reports: Soggy Iowa sees another night of rising rivers

DES MOINES, Iowa – Cities and towns along the Cedar River in Iowa prepared for another night of waiting and watching to see if sandbags would hold back floodwaters slowly moving south and eventually into the Mighty Mississippi.

Hundreds of people in Cedar Rapids and small towns evacuated earlier Wednesday.

With more rain falling upriver Wednesday in parts of Iowa, crests at Missouri’s Mississippi River towns could be higher than currently forecast, said weather service hydrologist Jim Kramper.


June 12, 2008   4 Comments

From Bad to Worse

CNN reports on the latest Midwestern tragedy: 4 dead after twister tears through Scout camp

(CNN) — At least four people were killed and another 40 injured Wednesday when a tornado struck a Boy Scout camp in western Iowa, a state safety official said.

Iowa Public Safety Commissioner Gene Meyer said the four were killed by a storm that slammed into the Little Sioux Scout Ranch near the Nebraska state line.

Meyer said about 120 people, including 93 campers, were believed to be at the camp at the time of the storm.

About 40 people were injured, said Sheri Bauwens, a nurse with the American Red Cross.

Lloyd Roitstein, president of the Boy Scouts of Mid-America Council, said the Scouts at the ranch were advanced Scouts between 13 and 18 years old and were there for a week of training.


June 12, 2008   13 Comments