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‘Tis The Season — Why Now?
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‘Tis The Season

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funny pictures

Sort of Christian matzo, in the sense that they are baked goods tied to a specific holiday that generally occur at the same time.

Recipe and background


1 Steve Bates { 04.03.10 at 10:45 pm }

I’ll wager Agatha Christie never thought to call that Poirot novel Cat Among the Rabbits…

Have a good one, Bryan, whatever you celebrate.
.-= last blog ..Happy Spring Holiday Of Your Choice =-.

2 Bryan { 04.04.10 at 12:26 am }

Frankly, Steve, I have always been conflicted about “celebrating” Easter, and the whole “Happy Easter” greeting. It just seems wrong on some level, which is why I stay with the symbols of the older pagan holiday of my Baltic ancestors.

Besides, I’ll be defending my Mother’s lawn from the “Christians” who want to park on it.

3 Badtux { 04.04.10 at 10:57 am }

It always struck me that celebrating a holiday based around somebody stealing a body out of a tomb was like celebrating a holiday based around somebody stealing a candy bar out of a grocery store… as in, “say wha?!”.

That first LOLcat definitely is going to perform some 18th century medicine upon its staff once its staff removes all that crap :). Y’know, I think I could probably dress up The Mighty Fang in stuff like that. Despite his ginormous size, he’s a really mellow kitty who already lets me do humiliating things to him that he really would prefer I don’t do (like pick him up while he’s walking down the middle of the hall and cuddle him and call him my big furry baby shmoogums 😉 ), he’s already decided to humor the crazy staff member in some things. But that… that is just wrong.

– Badtux the Heretic Penguin

4 Bryan { 04.04.10 at 5:32 pm }

When I was studying Russian mythology I came across an interesting paper by a Soviet anthropologist [massive grain of salt required] about the problem of converting the Rus [before they divided into the Ukrainians, Belarus. and Russians] to Christianity.

Hell was apparently a tough sell because they kept saying it was hot. Now, hot may have a bad reputation among desert dwellers, but it is considered a good thing among Russians.

Burying people was also a problem, as the Russians built funeral pyres, and continued to do it well after conversion saying the fires were necessary to thaw the ground for burial. The Rus were suspicious about digging down towards hell as opposed to sending the body up to heaven in a fire,

Context is everything.

5 cookie jill { 04.04.10 at 7:53 pm }

LOVE those fuzzy ears.
.-= last blog ..Hunger in California =-.

6 Bryan { 04.05.10 at 4:32 pm }

If you want to put them on Dot, I’ll stand by with the ambulance, put I need your blood type first, Jill.