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Palate Cleansing — Why Now?
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Palate Cleansing

Hobys Rosette Nebula

Hobys Rosette Nebula

ESA’s Herschel space observatory collects the infrared light given out by dust. This image is a combination of three infrared wavelengths, colour-coded blue, green and red in the image, though in reality the wavelengths are invisible to our eyes. It was created using observations from Herschel’s Photoconductor Array Camera and Spectrometer (PACS) and the Spectral and Photometric Imaging Receiver (SPIRE).

I needed a break from the depressing news, including the loss of another local military aircraft.


1 Steve Bates { 04.13.10 at 11:49 am }

It looks like a bit of palette-cleansing as well…
.-= last blog ..Primary Runoff; Today’s Good Grammar Award =-.

2 Bryan { 04.13.10 at 12:06 pm }

Actually, it looks like the palette at the beginning of the cleansing process.

3 jams O'Donnell { 04.13.10 at 1:58 pm }

It makes for a beautiful image Bryan. It certainly beats anti Semitic bishops
.-= last blog ..Passing strangers =-.

4 Bryan { 04.13.10 at 3:25 pm }

It is a beautiful use of European funds, Jams.

As for the other bit – more than once lately I have wanted to ignore my course of anger management techniques and take one of those incense burners and flail about at more than a few old guys in dresses.

You have to wonder if that collar cuts off the blood flow to the brain.

5 hipparchia { 04.13.10 at 6:08 pm }

You have to wonder if that collar cuts off the blood flow to the brain.

i think it’s the hat myself, but i’m willing to consider more than one alternative.

6 Kryten42 { 04.13.10 at 9:03 pm }

Nice image Bryan. 🙂 Thanks.

As for the other… No comment. (I’ve totally lost interest in anything to do with politicians, priests/whatever, exec’s etc).

Here’s a a nice educational physics site that uses animations (a picture really is worth a thousand words) I like that others might find useful. 🙂 They have a section with animations called Science’s 10 Most Beautiful Physics Experiments

You might like this one hipparchia (and others) from a blog called sciencegeekgirl😉 😀

A couple of beautiful things – Science and images

Cheers! 😀

7 hipparchia { 04.13.10 at 9:23 pm }

my new favorite blog! thanks, kryten. love the 10 most beautiful experiments too. [and my religion link has a lolcat in it]

8 Bryan { 04.13.10 at 9:31 pm }

It is possible, Hipparchia, that some of them missed with the hat pin and stuck into their brain, but blood reduction in the carotid arteries is the surest path to dementia.

I know how you feel about the “other”, Kryten. As long as the sheep keep following them, they have no reason to change, and won’t.

9 Kryten42 { 04.13.10 at 10:57 pm }

OK h… The lolcat was funny! Sadly, it had a pic of an evil criminal above it. The day he became pope, Christianity lost it’s last shred of credibility for me.

Glad you like it h! 😀 I’m REALLY, REALLY hectic… but I’ll look for more because I like them myself and it’s a needed break for me. 🙂

As long as the sheep keep following them, they have no reason to change, and won’t.

Yep. but it’s more complicated than that. There are really two primary *groups*. The truly foolish but well-intentioned who really want to believe, and the evil bastards that join to take advantage of the first group. And most of them become *priests, ministers, etc* because they know the Church will be a safe haven for things that would get them arrested or killed in the *real* World. (The first group includes some priests/ministers etc as well, they are not all criminals… some are merely ignorant, blind and foolish; then you have those who know but think that if they do their little bit of *good*, that’s all they can do.*shrug*

I actually do hope the God of the Bible is actually real, and when I get to the entrance, I want the popcorn concession and a front row seat to laugh hysterically when all the above try to get in! I don’t even care if I get sent *down* for it… It’ll be well worth the price! 😈

And that’s the last I’ll say on it. I know I’ll never convince the millions of sheeple and the stupid, and I’m tired of preaching to the choir! So, all those who read my rants and get annoyed, or maybe even feel a twinge… you can all go back to blissful ignorance. 😛

10 Bryan { 04.14.10 at 10:25 pm }

I hear you, Kryten.