Whole Lot Of Shaking Going On
Mid January there was the 7.0 in Haiti. At the End of February it was the 8.8 in Chile. Earlier this week there was a a 7.2 in Baja. And now we have a 7.7 in Northern Sumatra.
While there is no way of knowing for sure, it seems logical that a major quake in one part of the world can trigger other quakes in other regions. The crust that we exist on floats on molten rock. Where the various chunks of the crust, plates, make contact, pressures build. When there is a release of the pressure due to an earthquake, it has to cause a ripple in the magma that is broadcast. That ripple is one additional bit of pressure added to all of the other factors, and can be logically assumed to cause earthquakes on other fault lines.
I would have thought that the Boxing Day 9.0 in 2004 would have relieved all of the pressure on that fault for a long time to come, but apparently even surviving the “Big One” is no guarantee there won’t be another big one in the same decade.