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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Just A Member of Her Staff

Friday Cat Blogging

Where’s the food?

[Editor: Ringo doesn’t spend all of her time on the roof as the “Velveteen Gargoyle”, but she has come to expect food whenever she sees me.]

Friday Ark


1 jams O'Donnell { 04.30.10 at 6:46 am }

As it should be Bryan. I trust that when she says jump you say how high!
.-= last blog ..Watchful Robyn =-.

2 Badtux { 04.30.10 at 4:03 pm }

The “Velveteen Gargoyle”… ah yes, she’s a pretty one, that’s for sure!
.-= last blog ..Four feelings hurt in Illinois =-.

3 Bryan { 05.01.10 at 1:24 pm }

Actually, she’s the jumper and climber in the area, although her eldest, Income, has eclipsed her by a standing jump from the floor to the top of bathroom door. She does have a bad habit of using me as a landing spot when she is coming down.

She is fighting weight gain, Badtux, with a lot of exercise outside, and it back down to her pre-kitten form.

4 oldwhitelady { 05.06.10 at 9:20 pm }

Aw, Ringo is such a beauty, she deserves food every time she sees you:) She looks very thoughtful in this picture. I guess she’s wondering where her food is?
.-= last blog ..Friday Cat Blogging – Who’s tired? =-.

5 Bryan { 05.06.10 at 9:46 pm }

Ringo was plotting something… She is always plotting something.

I was sorry to read about Hermie, OWL. It is always hard to lose a friend, even the furry ones,