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Life Moves On — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Life Moves On

In what will probably not be the last of such occurrences, Mary Beth & EBW at Wampum have decided to to close down the blog. The archives will remain available.

It is one of the veteran “lefty” blogs and probably the only place you would find discussions of autism, Native American issues, politics, and heavy-duty geek posts on the same page. They hosted the Koufax Awards, the only important awards for the Left, for many years. The choice to start or end a blog is personal, but reasonable and realistic voices are rare, and will be missed when they fall silent.

I wish them well.


1 Kryten42 { 06.02.08 at 1:06 am }

That is sad. But it happens a lot and is understandable. Blogging for so long, on Politics especially, really wears one down.

I hope they have a chance to enjoy life! 🙂 And I wish them all the best. 🙂

Farewell, and Cheers! 🙂

2 Kryten42 { 06.02.08 at 1:13 am }

Perhaps a more fitting farewell from me would have been:

“So long, and thanks for all the fish!” 😀

It’s appropriate to as a metaphor, they certainly fished a lot and helped hook some biggies! Yeah… wow! The beginning of the end of an era perhaps. Sad.

… and another bright flame is extinguished, and the shroud of darkness creeps a little closer to us all.


3 Bryan { 06.02.08 at 1:51 pm }

They are moving to Geneva for a while, and that is part of it, but I think this campaign has really burned out a lot of people.