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No One Could Have Imagined… — Why Now?
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No One Could Have Imagined…

that even the inexperienced press secretary from Texas could figure out that Condoleezza Rice wasn’t doing her job as National Security Advisor.

Fresh Air has an interview with Scott McClellan, and Terry Gross was asking general questions about how things worked in the White House. When it came to the Iraq invasion, she asked who really made the decisions.

In the course of answering the question [the Shrubbery, in case you’re interested], McClellan noted that instead of advising, Rice simply agreed with whatever policy the Shrubbery seemed to prefer. She never challenged the process or pointed out any problems. Rather than seeing her role as being an advisor, she acted as an “agreer”.

We could have saved a lot of money by buying Dubya a Furby rather than paying Rice’s salary.


1 Kryten42 { 06.03.08 at 12:35 am }

Ah yes. I think I mentioned in another comment some time ago that I was lucky enough to have had a great mentor when I was just starting out in my military career. He told me that “if two people always agree, one of them is unnecessary!” But, he was wise, intelligent and understanding (and bloody tough) man!

I have been amused by Think Progress lately. They have made several posts about Scotty the Lapdog and his belated change of heart! LOL

Here are a few I like:

McClellan apologizes to Richard Clarke for smearing him as press secretary.

THIS I have been saying for quite some time! Nice to have someone on *the other side* finally admit it, even if too late!

McClellan: Take The Bush Administration’s Claims On Iran ‘Very Seriously And Be Skeptical’

I really like this one! LOL Think about it in context with what the current moronic talking head, Dana Peroxide, said below! 😉 LOL BTW, she must be the dumbest talking head the Bushmorons have had up front! Scotty was just the Bush lapdog, Snowjob was a smug a*hole, and Peroxide makes any other *blonde* wince! (No offense to blonde’s intended, just saying…) 😉

MSNBC: White House Has Had A Copy Of McClellan’s Memoir For ‘At Least A Month’

Can anyone truly be so stupid? *shaking head* And none of the press even commented. Morons interviewing morons. What a world!

Perino Says White House Can Block McClellan From Testifying To Congress, But Won’t Say Whether It Will

There is a lot more at TP! Enjoy! 😀

2 Fallenmonk { 06.03.08 at 6:48 am }

The sad thing is the so-called revelations in Scotty’s book are nothing that hasn’t been batted around the left blogosphere since 2000. It is a tragedy that all this stuff is just now seeing the light of day in the media.

3 Bryan { 06.03.08 at 3:20 pm }

Yes, we all knew it, and there was reporting and facts to support it, but only in a few places, like Knight-Ridder/McClatchy. The media conglomerates made it a point of not allowing alternate opinions or discordant views to be broadcast, and you can be sure that they won’t go beyond their “stable” of losers, who certainly “could never have imagined” being so totally wrong about anything.

Being wrong gets you a regular paycheck and media exposure, while being right brings attacks and exile.

It’s fairly ridiculous to claim “executive privilege” when the guy is talking to everyone with a microphone and selling books. All that is necessary is to have him appear before a committee of Congress, take an oath that the facts as presented in the book are true, and then enter the book into the record. The time for the executive privilege claim was before the book was published.