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Blogging The Disaster — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Blogging The Disaster

While many MSM outlets did good work in the immediate aftermath of Katrina, and many have been trying to keep it on the agenda, bloggers have done some great work.

After Katrina, Anntichrist S. Coulter of Blondesense took up a collection for relief supplies and went into the area to help people that were missed by the organizations that everyone expects to do this work.

All Things Considered has been down in the Big Easy all week and had some good reporting, but Scout Prime of First Draft has been producing New Orleans Blog with donations and local volunteer help.

Scout is producing podcasts and putting up video of the city, as well as conversations with local people.

Unlike the media, Scout is providing raw information and allowing you to be your own editor.

Some might argue that this isn’t objective reporting. Well, neither was the best of the reporting from the MSM after the talking heads figured out how bad things were and no one in the government was listening. Some things are just wrong and there’s no point trying to provide “balance”.