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Who Threatened Whom? — Why Now?
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Who Threatened Whom?

map of Iran

Many apologists for the Shrubbery have been having vapors because Iran Threatens ‘Harm and Pain’ to United States .

When American officials spoke before the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee and make threats towards Iran, they were silent.

Sunday, 03/06/2006: IAEA chief: Iran deal possible

Meanwhile, John Bolton, the U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, told an American-Israeli organization that the United States would use “all tools at our disposal” to address the threat an Iranian nuclear program might pose.

“We must not ignore Tehran’s refusal to address the concerns of the international community,” Bolton told the American-Israel Public Affairs Committee in Washington on Sunday.

Monday, 0307/2006: Cheney: Iran must not have nuclear weapons

“The Iranian regime needs to know that if it stays on its present course, the international community is prepared to impose meaningful consequences,” Cheney said in a speech to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, an influential pro-Israel lobbying group.

If you go around threatening people, you shouldn’t act surprised when they respond in kind.

One of the major reasons no one wanted Saddam removed was that he kept Iran occupied. Iran has the military capability of eliminating all oil production in the Persian Gulf and all the world can do at this point is retaliate as the price of gas hits $10+/gallon and the world economy goes down the tubes.

The Shrubbery might want to have someone explain the meaning of a Pyrrhic victory to him.

Israel has also made threats, but they might want to consider that Iran has intermediate range ballistic missiles that are quite capable of reaching them and the Iranians have SCUDs to take out the oil fields.