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What Do Iraqis Know — Why Now?
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What Do Iraqis Know

Iyad Allawi, the pick of American and British intelligence agencies to be the interim prime minister of Iraq says Iraq is in civil war.

Other than living there, speaking the language, reading the local newspapers, and having friends and relatives in the country, how could he know more than the Shrubbery’s incompetent circle of cronies?

Cronies like Donald Rumsfield who wrote in the Washington Post that the US leaving Iraq was the equivalent of giving Germany back to the Nazis after World War II.

Henry Kissinger, who served with U.S. forces in Germany at the end of World War II and who served as secretary of state under Republican Presidents Nixon and Ford, said the situations are not analogous.

“In Germany, the opposition was completely crushed; there was no significant resistance movement,” the German-born diplomat told CNN’s “Late Edition.”

Zbigniew Brzezinski, who served as national security adviser under President Carter, a Democrat, was less charitable.

“That is really absolutely crazy to anyone who knows history,” he said. “There was no alternative to our presence. The Germans were totally crushed. For Secretary Rumsfeld to be talking this way suggests either he doesn’t know history or he’s simply demagoguing.”

With respect Mr. Brzezinski have you considered the possibility that Rumsfeld is crazy, ignorant of history, and playing demagogue?