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The Sun Rises In The East — Why Now?
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The Sun Rises In The East

Microsoft announced that the roll out of its new version of Windows, Vista, has been moved back to the first quarter of 2007.


1 andante { 03.22.06 at 11:42 am }

So, we wait until maybe 2011 before they get the bugs worked out of Vista?

I am just now dipping my toes into XP.

2 bryan { 03.22.06 at 1:58 pm }

This screws over manufacturers as they were hoping for the software for the Christmas season. It shouldn’t have been announced, because now people will put off buying until it’s released.

3 Len Cleavelin { 03.23.06 at 11:30 am }

I have to confess surprise at the hubbub being generated over this announcement in the trade press. I’ve always worked under the hallowed principle that you never, ever, migrate to a new Microsoft operating system until the release of at least Service Pack 2. (I just migrated from Win2K to XP late last year, myself.)

Not to mention that from what I hear the new Vista GUI is a huge resource hog. But why should this release be different from past releases…


4 Len Cleavelin { 03.23.06 at 11:31 am }

And I forgot to mention, of course, that missing ship dates is a Hallowed Tradition in Redmond. As the joke has it, Windows 95 would have been Windows 87 if had shipped on time.

5 bryan { 03.23.06 at 3:59 pm }

Len, MS has been doing this for so long. Originally, in the old days when they had competition, they would announce to block competition. Win95 was a preemptive strike against IBM’s OS2: vaporware to block anyone from accepting OS2 until they saw Win95.

The real reason for the panic is the loss of another holiday season for hardware people who are already having problems because of the possibility of no Sony PS3 for Christmas.