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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

No Trust At All

Friday Cat Blogging

One more step and I launch.

[Editor: This is Tip Two, a juvenile with a white tip at the end of her tail. She doesn’t trust me as far as she could throw me and the flash going off doesn’t help.]

Friday Ark


1 Steve Bates { 11.03.06 at 12:29 am }

Tip Two may be a beautiful cat, but it’s hard to tell when she is in that frame of mind. Perhaps she will grow to trust you more over time. My own experience is mixed: some feral cats do, and some do not, grow more trusting. Good luck.

2 Bryan { 11.03.06 at 12:45 am }

If I ignore her, she’ll rub against my legs, and she certainly doesn’t avoid me at meal times, but if I make eye contact most of the ferals get defensive.

3 Modulator { 11.03.06 at 1:58 am }

Friday Ark #111…

We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….? We add boarder…

4 andante { 11.03.06 at 8:16 am }

If looks could kill……!

5 Bryan { 11.03.06 at 1:37 pm }

Tip Two and I have a history from her early days of trying to hide in my Mother’s engine compartment. I used a hose to get her and her sibling out, and she remembers. I have also taught her the word “NO!”, while keeping her out of the car. She is a determined little cat.

6 jillian { 11.03.06 at 11:26 pm }

Looks like she’s sizing you up for dinner…..

7 Bryan { 11.04.06 at 12:05 am }

She definitely has an attitude. Thanks for the card, Jillian.

8 ellroon { 11.04.06 at 8:09 am }

What a face!

And yes, keep the cats out of the engine. A friend of mine’s husband went bonkers in retirement and began to leave tons of food out for the feral cats. (They had more than 20 hanging out at one point). She had one get caught in the belts of the car when she started it one morning.

(She was diligent about banging the car hood before she started it after that. She was also very adept at catch and release to fix them, but they were too …quick… in the propagating department).

9 oldwhitelady { 11.04.06 at 8:15 am }

Oh, my… What a beauty! I hope you can tame her. She looks like a very nice kitty.

10 Bryan { 11.04.06 at 10:28 am }

Ellroon, the three prides I feed have gone from over 60 down to a dozen in a decade since I started a “trap, neuter, release” program. They control the rodents, and I have been able to control the population. I feed them so they don’t strip the neighborhood of its bird population.

I still have to take domestic cats that people drop off to the “no kill” shelter because the ferals won’t share territory or food. They are true “prides” and they live under survival rules. Any kittens that prove to be friendly go for adoption, but there is a very high kitten mortality rate from parasites and fireants.

OWL, she actually has very cute markings, but I doubt she will ever be a friend to humans.