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Rampant Ignorance — Why Now?
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Rampant Ignorance

A group of Islamic scholars were traveling home after a conference and the sun was setting while they were waiting to board their US Air flight, so they said their evening prayers.

CBS News reports: 6 Muslim Imams Removed From Plane.

There is certainly nothing more suspicious than people praying before getting on an airplane, right? It’s not like you’d see a group of nuns traveling together fingering their rosaries in the boarding area?

CBS has comments on some of its article and this was the first item I saw:


If you border a plane in Saudi Arabia, you better not have a bible, bottle or playboy, as you will go to jail, as all 3 are illegal, make sure your wife walks 3 steps behind you, she is completely covered, as that is the law there. You know they still stone people to death and behead them in Saudi Arabia. Staged and the media bought it hook line and sinker.
Posted by mjv2944 at 11:43 AM : Nov 21, 2006

Sorry, Mickey, but you definitely are able to take a Bible to Saudi Arabia; you can’t buy liquor in Santa Rosa County, Florida; nor can you buy Playboy in a lot of places in the US. You can’t hold a Christian religious service in Saudi Arabia, anymore than you can hold an Islamic service in the Vatican, and for the same reason.

Have you seen the Southern Baptist recommendations for wives, Mickey?

As for stoning, it’s in the Bible, while beheading has a very long history behind it. I don’t see a lot of difference between those practices and hanging or lethal injection. In the end the condemned are dead.

If the laws of Saudi Arabia bother you, Mickey, maybe you should be working to ensure that religion and state stay separate in the US, instead of worrying about other countries.


1 Mustang Bobby { 11.21.06 at 6:07 pm }

I sure would not let mikeyjay31 “border” a plane that leaves the country; I do not want the rest of the world to know the sad state of our education system, and he is a prime representative of it.

2 Bryan { 11.21.06 at 7:18 pm }

I would have thought that he might know enough to capitalize “Bible.”

He should try flying sitting next to an Orthodox Jew on his first flight. They don’t feel comfortable outside their communities, and then you add the airplane – that was some serious 3 hours of prayers.