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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Gatto di tutti Gatti

Friday Cat Blogging

Nothing to worry about, I’m just checking.

[Editor: This is Molly, the most senior of all the feral cats. She is at least 16 years old and is a contemporary of Holstein, the great grandmother of Dot and Sox. I normally only see her at night.]

Friday Ark


1 jamsodonnell { 11.24.06 at 8:58 am }

retty well for an old lady. 16 can’t be a bad age for a feral cat, Bryan

2 Bryan { 11.24.06 at 9:41 am }

Most ferals live to 5 or 6. She was spayed at about 6 months and is as big as any of the toms in the area, so she never had to worry about challenges to her dominance.

3 Modulator { 11.24.06 at 10:27 am }

Friday Ark #114…

We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….? We add boarder…

4 Steve Bates { 11.24.06 at 11:54 am }

Molly is one substantial cat! Sixteen is the oldest I’ve ever heard of in a feral; she… and you, Bryan… must be doing something right.

5 Bryan { 11.24.06 at 4:06 pm }

Good genes and a laid back attitude.

6 oldwhitelady { 11.26.06 at 3:26 pm }

Nice kitty. She certainly has a long tail. Getting the cats fixed helps toward longevity, whether in a feral cat or tame. Having kittens, all the time, takes a lot out of a cat. When growing up, we never thought about fixing the cats, that was an unheard thing. We (kids) loved having kittens to play with, but the mama cat started looking peaked after several litters.

7 Bryan { 11.26.06 at 3:49 pm }

Nursing a litter in a feral environment really reduces the ability of the mama cat to thrive. They lose a lot of weight and are usually dehydrated most of the time. Spaying is much better for them, especially since they will go into heat before they have finished growing.