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Passing the Plate — Why Now?
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Passing the Plate

Florida License Plates

Florida Plate Blogging


Standard Florida Plate

A weekend feature of Why Now.


1 ellroon { 05.27.07 at 4:16 pm }

Church of Satan?!!

Um… So the light behind the people’s house is a nuclear bomb or the beginning of the End of Days? It sure has left just the glowing frame of their house as they run for safety…

2 Bryan { 05.27.07 at 5:09 pm }

The proceeds go to a front group established by the Florida Association of Realtors. Satan, ERA what’s the diff?

3 Mustang Bobby { 05.28.07 at 6:59 am }

They might have better luck with “home ownership for all” if they weren’t trying to get $500,000 for 1,200 sqft bungalows in Coral Gables…and finding suckers who will pay that much.

Nice-looking plate, though. First time I’ve seen it.

4 Bryan { 05.28.07 at 9:54 am }

It’s a new one and the only time I’ve seen it, there were broker signs on the car,

It’s one thing to do that in Coral Gables, but they are doing the same absurd thing up here. It’s even worse as most of the new places are in condo associations, so there are fees on top of the mortgage.

I don’t understand condos at all – they have all of the disadvantages of homeownership and renting, but none of the advantages.