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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

Rude Awakening

Friday Cat Blogging

Why do you do that?

[Editor: Property is not pleased that her nap was disturbed by that light thingee.]

Friday Ark


1 Modulator { 07.06.07 at 1:34 am }

Friday Ark #146…

We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….? Visit all the …

2 jams o donnell { 07.06.07 at 1:41 am }

That was just mean of you Bryan, disturbing a kitten like that! It’s good to see that Property is developing the sort of look that puts us humans in our place

3 andante { 07.06.07 at 1:01 pm }

Oh no…..The Look.

You can be sure Property will be planning revenge.

4 Steve Bates { 07.06.07 at 4:01 pm }

You might remind Property of what her life would have been like if her mother had not returned to your home… Out There, there are a lot of things ready to disturb a kitten’s nap!

Every silky-haired gray kitten should have dark blue bedclothes to pose against; the contrast is beautiful.

5 Bryan { 07.06.07 at 5:39 pm }

If she had not already eaten, and wasn’t already asleep, she should have been sent to bed without her supper for where she was when the picture was taken – high atop a bureau on a clothes basket. Sigh, she’s a climber and leaper like her mother.

6 Cookie Jill { 07.07.07 at 9:03 pm }

With those ears, she probably heard you before that light thingy went off.

Looks like she might be thinking on how you would taste…..

7 Bryan { 07.07.07 at 9:21 pm }

She not only has large ears, there are tufts on the tips that are associated with Maine Coons, so she may become a fluffier cat in time.

8 oldwhitelady { 07.08.07 at 8:35 am }

Property is gorgeous! What a cute little baby. She’s certainly growing nicely. How do you get a cat to stop climbing? Does one, ever?

9 Bryan { 07.08.07 at 9:43 am }

I’ve never been successful and I tried with Koshka, Ringo, and now Property. She’s growing, the nicely is yet to be determined.