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Timing Is Everything — Why Now?
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Timing Is Everything

You can forget the military or administration doing anything significant in September. The Federal fiscal year starts 1 October and Harry Reid has put the Defense appropriations bill to the side for the time being. If there is less than stellar progress in Iraq, the Defense budget will be affected.

They are going to delay any report until after the appropriations bill is passed, count on it. When they specified September they forgot about the budget. If they can’t stall and report little or no progress, the Repubs are in a bind.

The military is already trying to shift the date to November because they realized the error before the Hedgemony did.


1 hipparchia { 07.21.07 at 1:46 am }

i was assuming that the september date was deliberate, just in case they ran out of money at the last minute and needed to beg for emergency funding to tide them over to the new year.

2 Bryan { 07.21.07 at 7:06 am }

As they have done everything by supplemental appropriation, I don’t think they noticed the problem, but the military did. They just said six months without looking at a calendar or considering what they said.