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Tropical Storm Chantal — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Tropical Storm Chantal

Early this morning L98 got its act together and became Tropical Storm Chantal in the Atlantic, east of the Carolinas. On its current track it will brush the Canadian maritime provinces later this week, but without significant strengthening.

L99, a wave that formed off of Africa, is headed this way and could be our first storm of significance.

New to the blogroll is Max Mayfield’s Hurricane Blog. Max is the former director of the National Hurricane Center and is now working for a South Florida television station.


1 Steve Bates { 08.01.07 at 11:29 am }

We’ve got one of those former directors here, Dr. Neil Frank (I think “Dr.” is part of his name; everyone calls him “Dr. Neil”), but regrettably he doesn’t blog. As things go, it looks to me as if Gulf Coast broadcasters will continue to have a goodly supply of former directors to choose from. 😈

2 Bryan { 08.01.07 at 2:06 pm }

The problem will be the concentration, which will, of course, be South Florida, rather than the whole area. Max was a decent spokesman, making things understandable to people not as immersed in detail as some of us.