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Happy Solstice — Why Now?
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Happy Solstice

At 12:08AM CST the winter solstice occurred marking the longest night of the year. If everyone has been good, the days start getting longer tomorrow. Locally, the sun will rise at 6:39AM and set at 4:49PM for a total of 10 hours and 10 minutes of daylight, but tomorrow will be a whole second longer.

This also marks HogWatch, so don’t forget to put out the turnips.


1 Michael { 12.22.07 at 4:22 am }

Since we’re being good, if we invest that second wisely we’ll have even more seconds on the succeeding days.

2 Bryan { 12.22.07 at 10:02 am }

Of course “good” is a relative term and once included killing things today to appease the spirits who were stealing the sun, and/or lighting fires to re-kindle the sun.

3 Michael { 12.22.07 at 12:34 pm }

I sacrifice a portion of flowers each day. Does that count?

(Actually, yes. IMHO.)

4 Bryan { 12.22.07 at 4:53 pm }

Well, among the German tribes it always included a fir tree, [tannenbaum] and seeds.

5 Steve Bates { 12.23.07 at 1:35 am }

  Here’s hoping that after you celebrate Solstice
  You won’t need a bandage, a splint or a polstice.

  – SBtheYDD

Hope you had a good one, Bryan!

6 Bryan { 12.23.07 at 4:13 pm }

The extra 6 seconds of sunlight make it worth it, Steve. A little more every day.