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2008 July 20 — Why Now?
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The Spin Cycle

Over at CBS I saw this article, Brazil Official’s Nazi Jab Makes Waves, with a sub-head “Brazil Foreign Minister Compares Rich Nations To Nazi Propaganda Chief” and I wondered what was going on.

It turns out, not a whole lot more that the US trying to avoid responsibility.

…Brazil’s foreign minister said rich countries’ deception in trade talks reminded him of tactics used by Nazi propaganda chief Joseph Goebbels… “Goebbels used to say if you repeat a lie several times it becomes a truth.”

I had to piece that together because it is spread out all over the article, apparently to prevent people from figuring out the context and meaning.


July 20, 2008   7 Comments

What Are The Chances?

I already mentioned that Steve Bates was called for jury duty, then I read that Jim Yeager and both Thers & Molly were called for the past week.

I live in a small town, in a sparsely populated county and I’ve never been called with anyone I knew even vaguely, so having three people I sort of know get called for courts all over the country was a little weird.

None of them served, but then what lawyer wants a DFH on a jury?

July 20, 2008   8 Comments

Tropical Storm Dolly

Tropical Storm DollyPosition: 19.6 N 85.8 W. [10 PM CDT] Updated
Movement: Northwest [305°] near 14 mph.
Maximum sustained winds: 50 mph.
Wind Gusts: 65 mph.
Tropical Storm Wind Radius: 175 miles.
Minimum central pressure: 1007 mb.

The storm is 95 miles Southeast of Cozumel, Mexico on the Yucatan Peninsula. The current consensus is that after passing over the Yucatan on Monday Dolly will re-strengthen in the Bay of Campeche and become a cat 1 hurricane before it smacks the Gulf Coast around the Texas-Mexico border.

Bertha has been reclassified as extra-tropical after winning all of the longevity awards for hurricanes and tropical storms in July.

Cristobal continues on the same course which has taken the storm away from the coast on its way North.

July 20, 2008   4 Comments

Our Tourist-Based Economy


Thank you Global War On Terror™‽

July 20, 2008   3 Comments

Tropical Storm Cristobal

Tropical Storm CristobalPosition: 34.5 N 76.4 W. [10 AM CDT]
Movement: Northeast [040°] near 7 mph.
Maximum sustained winds: 50 mph.
Wind Gusts: 65 mph.
Tropical Storm Wind Radius: 115 miles.
Minimum central pressure: 1007 mb.

The storm is 15 miles East-Southeast of Cape Lookout, North Carolina and 70 miles Southwest of Cape Hatteras, North Carolina moving parallel to the coast.

July 20, 2008   Comments Off on Tropical Storm Cristobal

“The Eagle Has Landed!”

The Eagle landing module of Apollo 11 landed in Mare Tranquillitatis (Sea of Tranquility – 0.67 N, 23.47 E) on the Moon, 20 July 1969 at 20:17:40 UTC (15:17:40 CDT).

July 20, 2008   Comments Off on “The Eagle Has Landed!”

Happy Independence Day

Día de la Independencia
República de Colombia


¡Viva Colombia!

July 20, 2008   Comments Off on Happy Independence Day