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Just Weird — Why Now?
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Just Weird

Fay computer models

These are the results for the computer models, all initialized at the same time this morning. To say that the models can’t figure this storm out is an understatement. This thing will be studied for a long time, but there is fortunately a lot of data available to look at.


1 Steve Bates { 08.19.08 at 1:03 pm }

This isn’t (yet) the scariest storm I’ve ever seen, but it easily takes the prize for the weirdest. And I can’t help thinking it’s not the last weird one we’ll see.

2 Bryan { 08.19.08 at 1:10 pm }

I just updated, Steve, and the winds have increased. It’s over land, the damn thing is supposed to weaken.

3 Steve Bates { 08.19.08 at 6:43 pm }

It’s getting weirder by the hour. And now, for your viewing pleasure, Weather Underground has put up some John McCain ads. Actually, if they want to associate him in people’s minds with the worst of tropical weather, that’s fine with me. “Weak, wayward and weird…” – “I’m John McCain and I approved this weather.”

4 Bryan { 08.19.08 at 7:01 pm }

What sort of political operations buys ads on a weather site? It is getting a lot of hits, but the people are not really in the mood for politics, and I would think that the GOP would avoid any association with tropical storms and hurricanes.

It’s almost as bad as the time there was a small plane crash that killed an entire family on vacation, and the ad selection service post a state tourism bureau ad about family vacations. I wrote a post about it, and the danger of “adsense, et al.” keyword ad placements.

5 hipparchia { 08.19.08 at 8:17 pm }

weak, wayward, and weird has got to be the best description i’ve heard yet for mccain.

6 Cookie Jill { 08.19.08 at 11:33 pm }

Mother Nature is having “fun” with us.

7 Bryan { 08.19.08 at 11:49 pm }

Yeah. I’ve noticed how much fun you’ve been having this year. Jack in Oregon is awaiting a “winter storm” after a heat wave. I’m trying to figure out if I have to start tying things down.

But, let’s not forget: Al Gore needs to go on a diet.

8 LeftLeaningLady { 08.20.08 at 8:17 am }

This is a strange one, but I’m not convinced it is more strange than Elena (Labor Day 85). Of course I was young and she was scary, strange.

I don’t think you are going to need to tie things down, Bryan, but I am still watching, just in case.

9 Bryan { 08.20.08 at 8:46 am }

Elena was indeed strange, LLL. I was in California then, but my best friends were here with their kids evacuating and returning, because of living near the water in Shalimar, every time Elena came came back and then left.