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Very Foreign Policy Advice — Why Now?
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Very Foreign Policy Advice

I was listening to NPR in the car and they were wandering around asking delegates strange questions. One of the most amazing responses was on people that they thought Obama should use in on his national security team. An individual actually said Colin Powell and…Condoleezza Rice‽

The reasoning was that they were there when the mistakes were made, so they could help unmake them, and reaching out to Republicans was what Obama was really about.

A major mistake was allowing Ms. Rice into government, because she was a rather spectacular failure at two major national security positions. Like her boss, she is unlikely to believe any mistakes were made.

While the individual was identified in the piece I won’t provide that information. The individual sounded young enough to have decades left in which to regret it. Only cruel people will listen to today’s All Things Considered stream to acquire that information.

I will however link to the McCarthy problem. It would have been better to have confused Gene McCarthy with Charlie, rather than Joe.


1 cookie jill { 08.28.08 at 2:00 am }

She’s far more interested in shopping for shoes and attending a broadway show than actually doing something to aid the country in time of need.

2 John B. { 08.28.08 at 8:38 am }

An important virtue of shortwave radio these days is that you can listen to the BBC and thus avoid the increasingly right-leaning National Public Radio.

Twenty-five years ago NPR went out and deliberately hired a few wingnuts and religious zealots as political cover to protect their funding. But what really ruined them all was what Duncan Black calls the “village” mentality. It has seeped so thoroughly into their pores that most NPR news and current events coverage is indistinguishable from Fox TV. Indeed, many NPR hosts and commentators work for both!

3 Bryan { 08.28.08 at 9:33 am }

Jill, if I didn’t know that Ms. Rice was an intelligent, accomplished person I might cut her more slack, but she knows better. She and Colin Powell were the brains in the first term and they just went along with the disaster.

John, welcome to the Reagan Revolution when the media surrendered its spine.

4 Kryten42 { 08.29.08 at 5:41 am }

Bu-bu-but… All Policies are foreign to the Bushmoron morons!


…yeah… I hadda do it! No apologies! 😀 :b

PS Bryan… I disagree somewhat with your assessment of Condiment’s intelligence. She has had ample time to prove she’s less intelligent than Paris Hilton. She may have had some academic achievements, but that does not prove intelligence. An intelligent person would have been able to find a way to deal with the problems faced. She preferred shopping, or preferred keeping her income. She has never actually tried to solve anything since she was given a job in Government. And more fool Americans to keep paying her and the others. Doesn’t say a lot for the collective average intelligence.

IMHO, of course. 😉

5 Bryan { 08.29.08 at 9:32 am }

If you had ever attended a Mensa conference you would understand that the commonly accepted definition of intelligence has little or nothing to do with either common sense or reality.

Condi Rice has almost no experience in the “real” world and it shows.