Waiting For Godot Gustav
It’s amazing how much better the Hedgemony seems to respond during election years than the year after. 😈
I feel bad about not mentioning Invest 97L and Invest 98L that are out in the Atlantic ready to come on “stage”, but two storms at a time is enough.
You know that you are a true hurricane geek when you know what the Fujiwhara effect is. You will see if you get two storms in the Gulf at the same time, and, while intellectually interesting, it is not good for life or property.
How Far Is It is a very useful site if you want to know the distance between any two points on the planet, but I really want to swat that moth or butterfly that flits around. It is the reason that I know that Gustav was 250 miles South-Southwest of me at 7PM.
Oh, well, back to waiting.
So why haven’t I seen the cheesy SciFi Network movie “The Day The Fujiwhara Effect Destroyed Louisiana” yet? The effect itself sounds kind of spooky…
[hi 😀 from 2113 miles away]
Imagine a dumbbell with a hurricane on each end spinning in Gulf.
Too bad Irwin Allen isn’t available to make the movie.
Oh, if it’s any help, currently they don’t think Hanna will be a hurricane before landfall.
i’m planning to curl up on the sofa with some good books and howevermany cats. which reminds me, it’s been years since i read that play.
The Hedgemony also seems to respond better when it’s a Republican governor who they view as a future bigwig in their party who is in the bullseye.
My brother is 20 feet above sea level quite a ways inland so he’s okay, assuming he got his storm shutters shut (he lives in a 130 year old schoolhouse so yes, it’s got storm shutters). Rita put a couple feet of water in the street but his house is up on piers and his yard is a couple feet higher than the street by the time it gets to his house so that’s no big deal. He’s still beefing about not being able to find a generator though, he’s foreseeing one heckuva cookout if the power goes out for more than twelve hours or so…
It keeps threatening to do something over here and then doesn’t. Keep a radio on to tracking possible tornado warnings, etc. Stay dry, Hipparchia.
I was thinking about him, Badtux, after you mentioned him during Fay. The storm has a much smaller hurricane radius than Katrina, but isn’t going to make any difference it hits you.
My Mother’s house has steel awnings that cover the top half of the window. It it was going to hit, I would have to haul out the boards for the East windows, because the others are shielded by neighboring buildings.
Shutters are a great idea that should come back into fashion. Down here the only ready-mades are worthless vinyl. You have to have real shutters custom made. It’s stupid.
Yeah, after Ivan we had four grills in operation in the neighborhood so people cook what they had in their freezers. If you leave it closed, a modern refrigerator freezer is good for up to 48 hours. I also fill mine with water bottles a couple of days before the storm to hold the temperature.
Because my Mother has health issues, she has a good-sized generator to handle her air conditioner and health equipment. He should be able to pick up a used one after this is over.
Just FYI, we still use shutters here in Aus in storm areas (and most islands around the area). I see the ads sometimes for aluminum shutters with a motor that can also be used manually. They are also used for security, especially useful if away on a trip etc. In fact, I think more people buy them for security than for stopping trees etc coming through the windows! LOL
Seems like a good idea to me either way. 🙂
Hipparchia: That sounds like a good plan. 😀
Again, good luck and best wishes all.
I envy you the shutters. This apt. complex has most of what I need… drainage is excellent, it’s built a bit above street level on a street that is the highest in the neighborhood, and both our apts. are interior to their buildings, sheltered from wind on all sides… but the windows have no protection. When bad storms are predicted, it’s out with the masking tape (or its modern equivalent), which means that afterward, it’s out with the single-edged razor blade (sigh). Fortunately, I won’t be needing that this time. I hope. 🙂
Good luck, y’all. Keep at least your heads (and preferably all of you) above water and out of the way of wind-driven solid objects.
Shutters are a great idea. We had the roll up slats in Germany, but they were for privacy and made of wood.
They sell the motorized versions of the roll-ups here, but shutters are stronger and cheaper.
People think they look “old fashioned”, so, now they are a custom-made extra.