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From the New York Times: Upstate New York House Race Is Too Close to Call.

Democrat Scott Murphy, a venture capitalist from Missouri, versus Republican Assemblyman James N. Tedisco, the minority leader of the state Assembly [House] in the 20th district which is heavily Republican.

That Murphy leads by 65 votes in a special election is a good indicator of how far the GOP has fallen in New York. Tedisco should have crushed him. This should have been a double-digit win. Tedisco could still win when the absentees are counted, but he should have a lead at this point that would have made the absentee ballots irrelevant.

Kirsten E. Gillibrand, who vacated this seat to take Hillary Clinton’s Senate seat, was a Democrat, but she and her family were lifelong residents and politically active in the area. She won a squeaker in 2006, and comfortably in 2008. She was an exception for the district and definitely a Blue Dog. This is a Republican district, and with a heavy hitter and local pol like Tedisco running, it was the GOP’s to lose.


1 Kryten42 { 04.02.09 at 1:06 am }

Yup! Just read about that at C&L.

I love the fact that all the rightwingnut blogs are going insane over it. Especially with comments from wingnuts like “It’s because half the voters there are insane”, considering that there are over 70,000 more Repug voters than Dem’s says a lot for the intelligence of the commenters on wingnutia blogs, and the fact that some Repug voters are smarter than they have been the past decade or so! LOL

And I was having a really crappy week (fractured my forearm near the wrist. Makes using a mouse an exercise in pain!) I should take a pic of my forearm. Looks like I tried going 10 rounds with a crazed cougar, and the cougar won the first round!) 😆

2 Bryan { 04.02.09 at 1:57 pm }

This is district is huge and made up of small towns, farms, and wilderness. It is some beautiful scenery running up the Hudson River to Lake Champlain with a chunk of the Catskill Mountains to the West. It cuts around the New York capital, Albany, as well as the cities of Troy and Schenectady.

It is the natural landscape of Republicans in New York, so for a transplanted Missouri venture capitalist to even be on the ballot is a miracle. It looks like the majority of Republicans are boycotting the election.

While it is bad for national politics, it is even worse for local politics, because it means the local party structure has collapsed. That structure is important because there are large segments of this district that aren’t on the grid. It surprises people, but 95% of the population in New York lives in and around seven urban areas on around 5% of the land. There is a lot of empty space in the state, and TV advertising is not as effective as people might think when it comes to local elections.

3 Bryan { 04.02.09 at 2:03 pm }

I have a feeling I don’t want to know how you broke your arm.

4 Kryten42 { 04.02.09 at 6:57 pm }

Ehhh. Helping my housemate renovating her caravan. Has a popup roof and the canvas around the outer edge needed replacing. We discovered some of the internal wooden support braces had rotted also. I was supporting one end as she was removing the canvas at the other end, and she knocked the roof askew which unbalanced me and a couple supports decided to give way and the roof came down. I tried to move my arm but wasn’t fast enough and it slammed into my wrist and the edge of the splintered wood slid down my forearm. And the rest is history. 😉

A friend in need is a royal pain in the ass, or in my case, arm! 😆 😉

As for the election, Limberger was *helping* Tedisco. He did a great job, for the Dem. I really hope Limberger helps out many more GOPers. 😀

Steele must be begging people to shut Rush, O’Really, and the rest of the wingnuttia fools the hell up! 😆 Even some Repugs are starting to realise these big mouthed fools are insane! 😆

5 Bryan { 04.02.09 at 7:59 pm }

Actually, friends are the cause of most home accidents. The last person who asked for help moving was taken aback when I offered to help with the cost of professional movers, because I had been through the pain too often.

I understand the problem with the roof as I almost lost a finger to my VW convertible with a sticky frame that suddenly became fully functioning.

The GOP are discovering that the screamer only have regional appeal and are not useful on a national basis. Jabba the Nut might have helped along the Mississippi River, but he doesn’t have much popularity in the Hudson Valley.

6 Kryten42 { 04.03.09 at 9:36 pm }

I was watching The Daily Show and Jon was doing the happy dance about Limburger running out oof NY! LOL It was hillarias! C&L Have a good clip of the segemnt:

Jon Stewart and New Yorkers bid fond adieu to Rush Limbaugh

If you don’t want to, or can’t watch the video, here’s the transcript:


Now for years — for years — for years New Yorkers have done everything in our power to get this guy to leave town. We passed laws making it tougher for hot-dog vendors to sell on the streets. We’d hold gay pride parades. There are barely any gay people in the city. We just thought it would make him uncomfortable, so we shipped ’em in!

We’ve all, as New Yorkers, come together to do this one thing: Get rid of Rush Limbaugh. He was the Truman in our citywide Truman Show.

We knew he was into drugs, so we cleaned up Times Square. Even opened up a Disney story in a place he would normally go to buy drugs. We knew he liked cigars. So we all in New York made an agreement that people who smoke cigars are douchebags.

Fleets! Fleets of Ivy-League-educated cab drivers pretended to be surly Middle Easterners just to annoy Rush Limbaugh. We outlawed murder — figuring he’s the kind of guy who’s probably got a taste for it.

The whole reason we’ve gotta raise taxes in New York City is because of how expensive this whole decades-long charade has been! You know how much it costs to keep Chinatown filled with “Chinese” extras?

I don’t even want to talk about it! But you know, now that I know that he’s going — I dunno, man, I feel weird. I feel weird inside. I guess there’s one more thing I want to say to him:

If you’re heading out from Uptown, take 42nd Street west to Ninth Avenue. make a left, go down four blocks, Lincoln Tunnel’s on your right, and you know what? Here’s my EZ-Pass. Get the f–k out of here.

Made my day! 😆

7 Bryan { 04.03.09 at 9:53 pm }

Yeah, great, now he will live in his South Florida compound full-time 🙄

All of the City’s dreck ends up down here at some point.