The Rain Causes Irony To Rust
So, the Local Puppy Trainer says State: Flooded Emerald Coast should qualify for federal aid.
The total rainfall in the past week varies by location, but some parts of Okaloosa County have received more than 20 inches.
There was a lot of rain, but the guy quoted who thinks it was worse than a hurricane obviously doesn’t remember my old friend Georges who dumped 48 inches of rain on us in 4 days. The frogs were wearing little orange life jackets for that one.
The best part of the article was the poll down on the sidebar: “Are recent actions by our government officials leading the United States toward socialism, as some critics contend?”, to which 73% said “Yes”.
Understand that most of the damage was to unpaved, red clay roads that turn into a slippery, slimy mess in the rain. We still have them in the county because they won’t raise taxes enough to pave them. These roads are cheap to pave because the only thing really missing is the asphalt top.
This county will take FEMA money as its due, and not worry that its inaction is the real cause of the problem.