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Another Recall — Why Now?
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Another Recall

While you are avoiding pistachios and Asian spices, check your yogurt before you eat it because Cookie Jill caught the Friday evening Stonyfield Yogurt Recall:

Affected products are limited to Stonyfield Farm 32 ounce Fat Free Plain yogurt UPC # 52159 00006 carrying one of the following product codes printed along the cup bottom that start with the following date codes:
· May 06 09 Time stamped 22:17 thru 23:59 (limited to these specific time stamps only)
· May 07 09 All time stamps

Apparently someone messed up while cleaning equipment and there was some cleaner/sanitizer not properly rinsed off. It affects the flavor and appearance, but is not believed to cause health problems.


1 cookie jill { 04.04.09 at 8:33 pm }

There should be a law that when food recalls are involved they shouldn’t be buried in the Friday News dump.

(thanks for the call out)

cookie jill´s last blog post..Blush. Float.

2 Bryan { 04.04.09 at 8:54 pm }

That is a standard procedure for corporate crisis management that is taught at all the better business schools. It gives the stock market a weekend to calm down to reduce the volatility in the stock price, and it is total BS.

The really bad news is saved for the three day weekend if possible, and all kinds of crap is hidden behind the election coverage every 4 years.