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It’s About Greed — Why Now?
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It’s About Greed

The NWF Daily News [Local Puppy Trainer] has an article that shows what motivates these people: NWF to receive $88 million in stimulus

State Sen. Don Gaetz announced Friday afternoon that Northwest Florida will receive $88 million for transportation and infrastructure projects as part of the federal stimulus program. Although the funding still must be approved by the state legislative Budget Committee on April 16, Gaetz said that action basically is a formality.

“I would have voted against the stimulus package as presented by the Obama administration if I had been a U.S. Senator and not a state Senator, and I have a number of reasons why,” Gaetz said. “But since the dollars are appropriated and going to be coming to Florida, I wanted to make sure Northwest Florida was not forgotten. I was pleased we were able to get our key priorities funded. But obviously, there are other projects further down the priority list we still hope we’ll have a chance at.”

If a state cannot move quickly enough on stimulus projects, it could loose its federal funding and the money could be reallocated.

If that happens in other states, Gaetz said he will try to secure more funding for Northwest Florida.

Excuse me, but if you think it’s a bad idea, you don’t take the money. If you take the money you are a greedy hypocrite – it’s really that simple. The road project will be given to one of the “usual suspects”, who will screw it up the way they always do, but who still get to receive contracts.

In the lexicon of Republicans it’s pork if it goes to someone else’s district, and it’s waste if the district is represented by a Democrat.


1 Jack K., the Grumpy Forester { 04.04.09 at 10:47 pm }

…my own Congressman, Greg Walden, can do State Senator Gaetz one better, even though Walden is a mere member of the US House of Representatives and not a US Senator. He cast a vote as part of that solid Republican block against the stimulus package in the House and then immediately followed up, without much in the way of apology or expression of any particular sense of irony, by diving headlong into that nasty socialistic Democratic-created deficit-busting cesspool – elbows swinging like a good post man coming up with a hotly contested rebound – to make sure that his Congressional district got at least its own fair share of “the goodies”.

I’m not bothered as much by the obvious operating assumption by people like Gaetz and Walden that voters are stupid as I am by the on-going evidence that they are right…

2 Bryan { 04.05.09 at 1:39 pm }

The concepts of “ill-gotten gains” and “wages of sin” don’t seem to intrude on their thinking. While complaining about how tainted the money is, they scoop it up by the bucketful, and go back for more.

My Congresscritter, the “Chumuckla Chucklehead “, Jeff Miller rails against the “pork” in the budget that just passed, and then talks about the money he earmarked for his his district. The largest earmark was a half million dollars to be given to the Okaloosa County Sheriff, who is under Federal indictment, and the Sheriff’s technology division, which is looking for a new head as the current head was just fired and may be facing state criminal charges. I assume it was a vital program to improve buying first class tickets to Vegas over the Internet.