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Wildfires In Texas and Oklahoma — Why Now?
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Wildfires In Texas and Oklahoma

FireHurricane force winds and drought conditions are feeding close to a dozen wildfires in North Texas and South Oklahoma, according to CNN.

The fires are concentrated in a band between Interstates 20 [Dallas-Fort Worth] and 40 [Oklahoma City], but the high winds are keeping aircraft grounded. There is also reignition occurring in fires that were assumed to be out. Interstate 35 [the North-South connector] is closed in several places because of the fires.

[Note: I lived in this area when I was a sophomore in high school and know the places mentioned, but it would be helpful if CNN provided a bloody map, like the BBC and other professional news organizations always do.]


1 cookie jill { 04.09.09 at 10:55 pm }

Santa Barbara knows what they’re dealing with. Our thoughts go out to them.

cookie jill´s last blog post..Salmon Fishing Banned off the California Coast

2 Bryan { 04.10.09 at 12:05 am }

I have family who live near Oklahoma City but I haven’t heard from them. They may finally move if they are affected, as they have been talking about it for years.

The winds are making it a very difficult situation to control.

3 Moi { 04.15.09 at 7:25 pm }

Hey – if Texas secedes, can we put up a firewall? 😉

(Sorry, Steve!)

Moi´s last blog post..PA Autism Training Conference May 27-29

4 Bryan { 04.15.09 at 8:03 pm }

That area has really nasty weather. I lived near Wichita Falls for a year, and tornadoes and hail were frequent during the Spring and Summer.

We had floods along the Red River, but the climate is changing.