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It Is Worse Than Thought — Why Now?
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It Is Worse Than Thought

The CBC issues an update on the level of flooding: Manitoba flood has submerged twice as much land as previously thought

Officials had been saying the Red River had spread across an area of 800 square kilometres in southern Manitoba. On Monday, they said 1,680 square kilometres [650 miles²] are actually under water.

During the so-called flood of the century in 1997, the river’s span was 2,000 square kilometres [770 miles²] — an area equivalent to the size of Prince Edward Island.

The crest of the flood is between Morris and St. Adolphe, about 60 kilometres [37.3 miles] south of Winnipeg.

The flood is the equivalent of a strip 10 miles wide and 65 miles long. For me, it would be as if a little more than half of my county was under water.


1 hipparchia { 04.20.09 at 9:56 pm }

that would be my entire county.

2 Bryan { 04.20.09 at 10:26 pm }

The pictures are strange – houses rising out of lakes. It is somewhat medieval with individual “keeps” surrounded by their walls.

At least they don’t have ‘gators or cottonmouths.