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2010 February 15 — Why Now?
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Yukon Quest – Day 10 – Gatt Wins

Yukon Quest map even years

Sled DogUpdate at 8:00PM CST. Hans Gatt has won his fourth Yukon Quest with a new record, arriving 9 days 1 hour 38 minutes after the start of the race. [Official race time and new record: 9 days and 26 minutes.] Lance Mackey is on track to be second and Hugh Neff third.

At Whitehorse
1 Hans Gatt (13)
2 Lance Mackey (11) +1:03
3 Hugh Neff (23) +2:43

Beyond Braeburn
4 Ken Anderson (17)
5 Zack Steer (2)

At Braeburn
6 Sonny Linder (20)
7 Joshua Cadzow (21)R
8 Brent Sass (12)
9 Abbie West (1)R

Beyond Carmacks
10 Normand Casavant (10)
11 Sam Deltour (4)R
12 Dries Jacobs (22)R
13 David Dalton (3)


February 15, 2010   Comments Off on Yukon Quest – Day 10 – Gatt Wins