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2010 February 17 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Seasonal Stocking

It is impossible to buy locally if you are looking for something that corporations classify as “Seasonal”.

I tried to buy an electric heater today – the middle of February, overnight low temperature 29°F, Winter Olympics all over the media, East Coast still digging out from the last blizzard – but no one has one, they have AIR CONDITIONERS! Heaters are a “Seasonal” item and must be cleared out by the end of January to make room for the new seasonal items.

Needless to say, if you are looking for something warm to wear, you can forget buying locally, just as you will need to stop by a cheesy souvenir shop on the beach if you need a new swim suit during the summer – that’s a “Seasonal” item.

February 17, 2010   3 Comments

Yukon Quest – Day 12

Yukon Quest map even years

Sled DogUpdate at 11:30PM CST. Abbie and Normand finished the top 10 last night, and the last teams left Pelly early this morning. Jocelyne LeBlanc is down to 7 dogs on her team, which will definitely slow her down, and Pierre-Antoine Hertier seems to be having some difficulty on the trail out of Pelly, so the Red Lantern is far from certain.

At Whitehorse
9 Abbie West (1)R
10 Normand Casavant (10)
11 Sam Deltour (4)R
12 Dries Jacobs (22)R
13 Mike Ellis (18)
14 David Dalton (3)
15 Kelley Griffin (15)

Beyond Braeburn
16 Cindy Barrand (9)R

At Braeburn
17 Bart DeMarie (14)R
18 Jennifer Raffaeli (16)R
19 Peter Fleck (24)R

Beyond Carmacks
20 Katie Davis (6)R


February 17, 2010   Comments Off on Yukon Quest – Day 12