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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

She’s Back

Friday Cat Blogging

Go away, I’m eating!

[Editor: Molly holes up somewhere when it’s cold, so I was looking for her to be back on Thursday and she arrived extra hungry. Actually, she followed me around and this is the third place she ate. She is at least twice as old as any of the other ferals.]

Friday Ark


1 Steve Bates { 02.19.10 at 1:29 am }

Here’s to old ferals… they’ve really earned their living, and deserve the assist we give them. (We saw a new stray in our back yard recently; I’m wondering what its role is in the neighborhood.) Thanks as always, Bryan, for helping out these kitties when self-reliance isn’t quite enough.
.-= last blog ..Friday Maroon Coat Blogging =-.

2 jams O'Donnell { 02.19.10 at 2:41 am }

What a venerable lady. She certainly has the knack of surviving knowing of course where to get tasty grub!
.-= last blog ..Bebe =-.

3 Bryan { 02.19.10 at 10:35 pm }

She had a pretty good deal for several years, eating at two locations, alas the other person moved and she must eat with the “common ferals”.

Yes, Jams, she has a secret location where she holes up when the weather gets bad. I suspect it is under the house where I originally lived when I moved here. There is an old air conditioner cover which would be a great wind break, as well as being insulated.

4 oldwhitelady { 02.21.10 at 8:09 pm }

Molly’s a smart kitty – I guess she’s feeding up for the next bad weather. She sure has a pretty coat and white feet.

5 Bryan { 02.21.10 at 8:41 pm }

Molly is always well turned out, OWL, even though she has to be in her late teens.