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Red Lantern — Why Now?
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Red Lantern

Red Lantern

The Red Lantern goes to Jocelyne LeBlanc who, like first place Hans Gatt, is from Whitehorse. Jocelyne finished the race in 13 days 8 hours and 28 minutes. She has been racing since Dawson with only 7 dogs, but they were all going home.

Overall a very fast race, taking a day less than last year, with 22 of 24 teams finishing. Last year only 18 of 29 teams finished. Unfortunately the race was marred by the first death of dog, Bags on the Terry Williams team, since 2007.

The second biggest problem for the teams was plastic runners. Gerry Willomitzer scratched because of a problem on his sled, and both Cindy Barrand and Jennifer Raffaeli were penalized 30 minutes for getting help to fix their runners.