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Feel The Love? — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Feel The Love?

Funny Pictures of Cats With Captions


1 Badtux { 02.24.10 at 11:38 pm }

Uhm, yeah.

I have no — zero — inclination to try that with The Mighty Fang. TMF is a sweet kitteh, but even he isn’t *that* mellow…
.-= last blog ..The incredibly stupid (or dishonest) Robert J. Barro =-.

2 Bryan { 02.24.10 at 11:56 pm }

It would be a major investment in some kind of herbal concoction to get Sox in a shirt, and then he would go catatonic, like he does with the harness. Until you take it off, he is limp. After you take it off is another story, and it is wise to make any attempt early in the morning so he has all day to forget about it before you go to bed, which should be encased in plastic before the attempt is made.

3 Moi;) { 02.26.10 at 3:32 pm }

That Cat Hates You.com….
.-= last blog ..Friday Cat Bloggging: Comfyness =-.

4 Bryan { 02.26.10 at 9:06 pm }

Have you tried putting anything other than a collar on Ollie?