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Ain’t It The Truth — Why Now?
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Ain’t It The Truth

funny pictures of cats with captions

Oh, if you are a father, or reasonable facsimile thereof, Happy Father’s Day.

Remember – they meant well.


1 paintedjaguar { 06.20.10 at 6:33 pm }

Surprising fact: I’ve never yet heard an account of kitties murdering people in their sleep.

Of course they do have more subtle methods of retribution…

2 Bryan { 06.20.10 at 7:50 pm }

That’s true, PJ, the kitties are always wide awake when they do it. 😉

As for subtle, really, you didn’t want to wear those shoes anyway.

3 cookie jill { 06.20.10 at 10:56 pm }

Even if those father’s were involved in that “golf” game? 😉

4 Bryan { 06.20.10 at 11:16 pm }

There is no problem with making money for goofing off, sounds like a good deal to me.