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Vuvuzela — Why Now?
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It even annoys Dave Barry.


1 Steve Bates { 06.23.10 at 9:44 am }

What’s this horn called Vuvuzela?
Well, it doesn’t sing like Ella,
Nor does it delight a fella
(‘Less he’s halfway unto deaf);

It emits an awful bella.
Well, admit it, it ain’t stella;
Can’t make those sounds on a cella.
(Kill the sucker. Call the chef.)

– SB the YSS

2 jams O'Donnell { 06.23.10 at 11:14 am }

A sensible cat. I see that the population of England can breathe a sigh of relief. Conversely I daresay that most of the USof A doesn’t give a damn that it has a world class football (FOOTBALL, not soccer!) team

3 Bryan { 06.23.10 at 12:09 pm }

Alas, the thing will start showing up at US sporting facilities unless it is stopped at the border and banned from any gathering of more than one person. If it makes it to a Southeast Conference game we are doomed.

Marching bands should be readying counter-insurgency strategies, perhaps surrounding them with trombones with spikes on the slides to eliminate them.

Well, Jams, the US side finally figured out where the net was, but I would hate to think that what happened in Group C is considered “world class”. better than the total meltdown of France, certainly, but France didn’t belong in South Africa in the first place. I’m sorry, that’s what makes it “the beautiful game” right?

4 Badtux { 06.23.10 at 2:05 pm }

Which brings up the question, which is more annoying, Dave Barry, a “humorist” who has overstayed his welcome by a couple of decades now, or the vuvuzela? Hmmm….

– Badtux the Snarky Penguin

5 Bryan { 06.23.10 at 5:36 pm }

Dave Barry is a Miami tradition, and traditions cannot be questioned or changed, only observed.

6 Badtux { 06.23.10 at 7:01 pm }

And the vuvuzela is a tradition too. Annoying traditions are still… annoying :).

I was also going to point out that slavery was a Southern tradition also, but somehow comparing a trite annoying newspaper “humorist” to pure unadulterated evil seemed… wrong. As annoying as the vuvuzela and Dave Barry can be, they are no more evil than the cute puppy that ate one half of one shoe. Cujo they ain’t. Though Cujo was a good dog before he got rabies, but I’m rambling again :).

– Badtux the Rambling Penguin

7 Bryan { 06.23.10 at 8:00 pm }

Ah, but the vuvuzela was a limited tradition that could become an international fad, always dangerous, while Dave has been contained in South Florida.

We are not going to get into what happened to “Old Yeller”? There are apparently people who don’t know what happened.

8 Badtux { 06.23.10 at 11:24 pm }

Why is it that everytime someone mentions Old Yeller, I get an image of John McCain in my head? 🙂

9 Bryan { 06.23.10 at 11:34 pm }

Extra points for that one, Badtux 😆