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The Sky Is Blue — Why Now?
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The Sky Is Blue

And Rahm Emanuel is a clueless jerk.

Digby is annoyed with him, which a a waste of time and effort. Yes, one has to wonder who thought it would be a good idea for the mayor of Chicago to attend a dinner hosted by the French ambassador, but Emanuel opining in his typical ignorance that François Hollande looks more like a prime minister than a president, shows a basic lack of knowledge about Sarkozy’s problems in France.

Sarkozy had a 65% approval rating when he was elected, but lost a big chunk of that within hours of being elected because he held a victory party with the glitterati at an expensive restaurant, rather than celebrating ‘with the people who elected him’ at the Place de la Bastille. There are ‘rules’ about how the President must act in France, and Sarkozy ignored them, which turned off a lot of people. He became known as ‘President Bling-Bling’ for hanging around with the ‘rich and famous’. Business Week covers some of these problems that Sarkozy admits caused trouble for him at the polls. There is no doubt that the most important issue was the economy, but Sarkozy’s ‘unPresidential’ conduct also cost him votes, especially in the run-off.