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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging

A Cuddle of Kittens

Friday Cat Blogging

Go away!

[Editor: I stumbled onto this group out back under a tarp next to a back-up air conditioner. They must have been born during the first week of March, which is early.]

In Memoriam: Hank and Sheena.

Friday Ark


1 Modulator { 03.31.06 at 1:21 am }

Friday Ark #80…

We’ll post links to sites that have Friday (plus or minus a few days) photos of their chosen animals (photoshops at our discretion and humans only in supporting roles). Watch the Exception category for rocks, beer, coffee cups, and….? We will add yo…

2 dangrdafne { 03.31.06 at 10:19 am }

I would like to officially change the wording “litter of kittens” to “cuddle of kittens”. I think it more accurately describes kittens, don’t you?

3 Lab Kat { 03.31.06 at 10:30 am }


*fights the urge to run out and adopt a kitten*

4 Bryan { 03.31.06 at 12:58 pm }

I’ve been using “cuddle” for a group of kittens, rather than litter for some time. Taking care of feral cats, that’s how I find them, when I find them, in a tight little cluster to maintain their body warmth when mom is away.

Beware, LK, these are feral and feisty.

5 Steve Bates { 03.31.06 at 3:32 pm }

A Cuddle of Kittens

I like it! It’s right up there with an exaltation of larks, a murder of crows, etc. (Someone has made a list of such collective nouns.)

I can’t quite tell, though: how many kittens are in this picture?

6 Bryan { 03.31.06 at 3:55 pm }

There are four, the head of the fourth is under the rear end of the tuxedo kitten on the right. That kitten is on top of the other tuxedo kitten so you have the “Lincoln log” connection of the three heads and necks.

The blue tarp is actually over an old foam mattress pad that I use to lay on when I’m working under the house.

7 oldwhitelady { 04.01.06 at 12:01 am }

Cute, cute, cute. Now, you’ll have more sweet babies to hang out with the young Miss Ringo.

8 Bryan { 04.01.06 at 12:08 am }

I don’t interfere so they learn the skills they need to exist in their world. If they decide to be friendly, and some do, then I get them adopted. Having a large brain and walking upright doesn’t guarantee that I know what’s best for them.