May Day
The May Day association with labor is all American, and just as controversial as everything of any consequence in history. The day is tied to a strike for the eight-hour day and the so-called “Haymarket Riot” of 1886. When it comes to “riots” and the Chicago police are involved, you are not going to find a single truth.
The dynamic duo that mucked up the Pledge of Allegiance, Dwight Eisenhower and his Republican Congress, made May 1st both Law Day and Loyalty Day so those Commie working people wouldn’t get any ideas about having rights.
Don’t forget: Пролетарии всех стран, соединяйтесь!
And don’t forget, in America, the first Thursday in May is the National Day of Prayer. On my site, I asked for a suggestion of what god I should pray to… Mammon seems appropriate, don’t you think?
You.. you … commie! …
But yes, nothing makes corporations tremble in their non-personhood boots when trying to contain pissed off workers before the pissed offedness spreads.
You know, Steve, I seem to remember reading somewhere that people should pray in private, and that those who prayed publicly were hypocrites. If you have to tell people you are religious, you’re doing it wrong.
Thank you, Ellroon, yes, I am a liberal, but only to Republicans.
Ol’ Karl had the solution wrong, but he was dead on regarding the problem. If corporations want to be people they should have the same life span as people. That would shake things up.