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A Note To Tourists — Why Now?
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A Note To Tourists

First, thank you for visiting. We really appreciate the business you bring to out area, and hope you will make visiting our beaches part of all future vacation plans.

As there seems to be some confusion, especially for motorists from Minnesota, I would like to say that the speed limit signs in the state of Florida are in miles-per-hour, not kilometers-per-hour… really, I wouldn’t kid you. You may think that 35 miles-per-hours is a bit fast for four-lane roads with a separate center turn lane, but the traffic signals are set for that speed. This means that if you travel at the speed limit you will never have to stop for more than one light for long stretches.

Again, thanks for stopping by.


1 Badtux { 05.15.12 at 2:06 am }

Granted, the snowbirds generally aren’t the swiftest drivers around… but frankly, having driven in Florida, IMHO the locals ain’t exactly gonna win the Indy 500 anytime soon either. When half of Florida is retired accountants and school teachers from Cleveland, you aren’t exactly talking folks accustomed to taking crazy risks like, say, going faster than 15mph in a 35mph zone :twisted:.

– Badtux the Snarky Penguin

2 Cookie Jill { 05.15.12 at 2:56 am }

Ahhhh….Tourista season in your neck of the woods, too, eh? We get the Porsche and Mercedes drivers from the Land Of LA who think that going 85mph in a 25mph zone is, well, quaint.

3 Bryan { 05.15.12 at 9:44 am }

You can drive after dark to avoid the retirees, Badtux, but there is no time safe from tourists. The real locals all want to be NASCAR drivers.

Lots of fun on the ‘405’ where the Porsches try to deal with the Corollas driven by the ancients who can barely see over the steering wheel.

I really pity the guys on the cafe racers, as they can barely go fast enough to keep the bike balanced and putting a foot down is not readily done. Then they encounter the SUV drivers who just don’t see them. If you are riding a bike you definitely don’t want a Hummer behind you, because the driver can not see you at a light and will roll over you if you hesitate when the light changes.

4 Badtux { 05.15.12 at 10:11 pm }

One advantage of my old KLR, pig-slow as it was, was that it was tall and ugly and with me dressed like a bright banana you couldn’t hardly *not* see me unless you were blind as Mr. Magoo. Yet I often had to dodge cell-phone-wielding morons who changed lanes using the auditory method of knowing whether the next lane was clear (if you hear screeching, the crashing of metal, and blaring horns, the next lane wasn’t clear).

I doubt that things are going to change until they quit handing out driver’s licenses in boxes of Cheerios… regardless of where you live here in the USA.

– Badtux the Moron-beset Penguin

5 Bryan { 05.15.12 at 10:35 pm }

Ah, yes ‘the lane changers’ … I don’t know why they bother to equip cars with outside mirrors or turn signals, because people certainly don’t use them down here.

I’ve driven in or through all 50 states, and density is the only real difference because the drivers forget everything they learned to take their driving test as soon as the license is issued.

6 Badtux { 05.15.12 at 11:38 pm }

Well, people don’t use their turn signals, until they do, and the @#$%@! thing is flashing for ten miles as they roll blithely down the road. The greatest invention, like, *evah*, is that annoying “BONGBONGBONGBONG!” that most modern cars start blaring when you leave your turn signals on for more than half a mile or so. But it appears the reaction of the typical driver to hearing that is to merely turn up the volume on the car stereo…

7 Bryan { 05.16.12 at 9:06 pm }

Some people use other methods to explain turn signal etiquette to other drivers. I’m sure he was just using the baseball bat to ensure that the other driver was paying attention. 😉