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Pro Business? — Why Now?
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Pro Business?

According to CNN Smugglers welcome tighter borders:

Barely 18, Jose belongs to Mexico’s new generation of migrant smugglers — young, savvy and happy to see Uncle Sam further tighten border security.

Why? It’s good for business, he says.

Jose figures more migrants will seek his help if the U.S. Senate approves legislation to double the Border Patrol and put up a virtual wall of unmanned vehicles, cameras and sensors to monitor the 2,000-mile border with Mexico.


Victor Clark, a Mexican border expert in Tijuana who has studied smugglers’ patterns for decades, agrees with Jose. “This is going to have the opposite effect of what the U.S. government wants, since the demand for migrant smugglers is going to go up,” he said.

The smuggling business flourished after the U.S. Border Patrol cracked down on the busiest crossings into Texas and California in 1994.

It’s so nice of the Republicans to help out the coyotes. Only a few of them are currently making $1 million a year. Poor Jose only made $16,000 for three months work, as opposed the $53 per day he was making cutting lettuce. This project will certainly increase the income of one segment of the Mexican population.


1 Jack K. { 04.06.06 at 12:25 pm }

…I would love to see this show up in some border-state House campaign commercial. Maybe Tom Tancredo’s face morphing into the police mug shot of some busted coyote. Too bad DCCC types don’t have the courage to have this kind of fun…

2 Bryan { 04.06.06 at 1:54 pm }

Since they “toughened up” the border in San Diego county, the day workers stopped going home at night and sleep rough in the canyons. Since they couldn’t go home they went further inland looking for more money.

We didn’t have many Hispanics in Okaloosa county until Lowes and WalMart brought them in to build their new stores.

The new border security has trapped these people in the US. It is too expensive to cross the border.

That would be a great commercial. Maybe they could get an endorsement from Jose for Tancredo.