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Rook’s Right — Why Now?
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Rook’s Right

Rook makes the very valid point about calls for Democrats to create a plan for Iran. With the intelligence as corrupt as we now know it to be, how can we be sure there is “a problem” with Iran?


1 andante { 04.10.06 at 3:10 pm }

I suppose we could assume any intelligence put forward by the Bush administration is wrong and proceed on that basis.

But geez….what a nightmare for the hopefully forthcoming Democratic administration – we’ll need a total re-do on EVERYTHING, not to mention replacing all the military and civil servants who are jumping ship.

2 Bryan { 04.10.06 at 3:20 pm }

Whoever becomes President in 2008 will have such a mess to clean up I doubt they will want a second term.

If the Dems take either house this year the flow of red ink can be reduced, but it won’t be stopped.

The whole government is going to need a thorough cleaning and de-lousing.