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Patriots’ Day — Why Now?
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Patriots’ Day

It is Patriots’ Day in Massachusetts celebrating the April 19, 1775 Battle of Lexington and Concord.

In addition to the Boston Marathon, it means that people in Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, Vermont, and the District of Columbia get an extra day to file their taxes because the processing center in Massachusetts is closed.


1 Steve Bates { 04.18.06 at 12:19 am }

Hmm… anyone for a Boston e-Voting Machine Party? No one gets hurt, and everyone gets to watch Diebold get their naughty bits wet…

Actually, I have no idea what kind of voting equipment they use in Boston; for all I know, they may have equipped the machines with flotation devices in anticipation of just such civil disobedience. I just know that until they use paper ballots or their functional equivalent, I won’t be satisfied.

2 Bryan { 04.18.06 at 7:52 pm }

I’m hoping we don’t have any water involved in our voting this fall. The chance of a hurricane on election day is very real in my part of the world, and not a stretch for yours.

I really wish I didn’t have scruples. The Diebold equipment is so easy to hack. I keep thinking about electing Mickey Mouse governor of Florida and letting people try to figure it out for themselves.

Unfortunately that would violate my rules. If morals were easy we wouldn’t need them.