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Warning, Will Robinson, Warning! — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Warning, Will Robinson, Warning!

Blogger has scheduled maintenance down time from 3:00PM PDT until 3:45PM PDT on tomorrow, 18 April, according to Blogger Status.

That’s 6:00-6:45PM on the East Coast.

[corrected East Coast time]


1 Steve Bates { 04.18.06 at 12:04 am }

3:00PM PDT… That’s Noon on the East Coast.


2 Bryan { 04.18.06 at 12:15 am }

Oops, I corrected it.

3 Karen { 04.18.06 at 11:26 am }

Ah…yet more unpalatable Fixes… that nevah seem to *fix* anything! Bleh and Blah!

Well I got few posts in today and will hunker down and read a good book instead during their monthly black-outs.


4 Steve Bates { 04.18.06 at 11:45 am }

I’m forgetting my manners… thanks, Bryan, for the heads-up about the downtime. With any luck, it will coincide with our projected rolling blackout later today in Texas. 🙂

5 Bryan { 04.18.06 at 3:12 pm }

This is one of the things that’s really annoying about Blogger, they announced this in the afternoon, but if you visited before the announcement you would be caught flat-footed this afternoon.

There has to be a better way of making BlogSpot users aware of what is going on with the system.