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Nickel and Diming The Peasants — Why Now?
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Nickel and Diming The Peasants

CNN reports that: FEMA wants some Katrina aid back. Are they going after the absurdly expensive cruise ships, or the rip-off artists who were given the no-bid contracts? Surely you jest.

“The Federal Emergency Management Agency is seeking a total of $4.7 million from 2,044 people, giving them 30 days to repay or set up a payment plan.”

That’s right, they are going after an average of $2,300 from people who got hit with a hurricane. They aren’t claiming fraud, they say that FEMA messed up and over-paid these people.

Just in case you have forgotten: in 2004, Florida had 4 hurricanes strike it. That was a lot of training time for any emergency response system. Keep that in mind when you hear all of these lame excuses about the Katrina response. After 2004 any competent system would have been on the top of its game, but without an election they just didn’t care.


1 Steve Bates { 04.21.06 at 11:28 pm }

Never forget, the White Star Line billed the families of Titanic band members for the lost uniforms.

Sometimes the banality of the particular evil that is the Bush administration, including their version of FEMA, takes my breath away.

2 Bryan { 04.22.06 at 12:09 am }

Steve, we both know that there are costs associated with billing and collection. This doesn’t even make sense from a “business” standpoint – it’s a petty attempt to look like they are doing something.